
Top 5 Trends In DevOps | DevOps adoption and approach – Teqfocus

Top 5 Trends In DevOps


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DevOps is an approach to software development which integrates developers and operations team in order to improve collaboration and productivity by automating infrastructure, automating workflows and continuously measuring application performance. Its acceptance has increasingly increased over the years and has become the most popular buzzword in the software development world in 2019.

It has brought many benefits in the form f better communication and seamless collaboration. To aid this process to be more efficient, new tools and disciplines are emerging. DevOps approach to development provides numerous benefits.

The findings of The State of DevOps report are: DevOps adoption report by Atlassian stated that 41% of IT experts are familiar with DevOps as a service to some extent. This makes the companies, about 41% with a competitive advantage over their competitors. 90% of IT specialists have accepted that they have experienced positive results due to DevOps transition.

Top 5 Trends In DevOps | DevOps adoption and approach

Adaption of DevOps is on a rise. Keeping that in mind I would like to explore a few DevOps trends on the horizon for the coming years.
Today, the DevOps landscape is evolving rapidly, and it is becoming increasingly important for organizations to identify new trends in DevOps to stay ahead of the game and remain competitive. In this article, we discuss the top 5 DevOps trends in 2023 that will dominate the IT industry.

AI & DevOps Integration:

Data is the new oil. DevOps is becoming more and more data dependent. Applications are being delivered through a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service. This means organizations are collecting data like behavioral data, data on how people are interacting with applications and how these applications are being delivered. This data provides insights into an organization’s delivery throughput and stability can be garnered using metrics like deployment frequency and lead time changes. This is an area that is ripe for AI and Machine learning. Machine learning algorithms when applied to software delivery lifecycle will allow organizations to identify bottlenecks, blockages and capacity issues. This will allow predictive measures to streamline and optimize delivery accordingly. So accordingly, you can expect to see AI and Data Science experts working closely with DevOps teams to deliver increased efficiencies and greater insights to the software delivery and testing process.

Automation Will Take The Centre Stage:

There is a lot of talk of automation when it comes to DevOps. The trend is moving towards Zero-Touch automation. If you want to automate everything, then there may be provisions for it.

More Focus Towards Continuous Delivery:

As leadership teams are recognizing the increasing correlation of key technical practices that make up continuous delivery with overall business performance and organizational engagement. The perception towards It being the cost center to the business is changing towards IT becoming the driver of business performance. This change in mind set is gathering pace and doesn’t seem to be stopping in the coming future.

Software Testers Need To Update Their Skills:

Testers who know how to automate scripts to test various use cases are in great demand in DevOps. I recommend that you should learn coding if you are a tester because understanding various DevOps tools and automating scripts plays an important role in software development today. It will increase efficiency and reduce the time to market.

Integrating Security In The Initial Phases: DevSecOps:

Companies are nowadays keeping the security aspect of development in mind from the beginning itself. Rather than treating security as an afterthought at the end of the delivery process, the emphasis is being put on writing code securely first time around. You can make the testing and continuous remediation cycle much faster by embedding the product and operations security concerns into the continuous delivery pipeline in the earlier stages of development. Organizations will work with their security teams to take advantage of security tools and platforms to embed security polices into an automated and integrated DevSecOps environment. This environment will automatically detect security vulnerabilities and quickly assess whether or not the code can progress to a customer facing environment.
To sum up, it certainly is an exciting time to be involved in DevOps. The pace of change is not slowing down, and many more DevOps innovation ideas and trends are likely to emerge in the near future. It is important to stay up to date with these trends that are shaping the future of DevOps in the IT industry to ensure your organization is ahead of business innovation and market competition.

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