
Adopting Remote Working in Teqfocus to Enable Virtual Distancing Possible in Pandemic – Teqfocus

Adopting Remote Working in Teqfocus to Enable Virtual Distancing Possible during this COVID-19 Pandemic

Thought Leadership

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How well an organization weathers the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak will depend a great deal on how effectively it cares for its employees. Being faced with this unprecedented challenge of responding to this health crisis, we want you to know that our commitment and responsibility towards you and our communities has never been stronger as we prepare to deal with this pandemic. We also actively committed to the preparation and managing of our employees with the correct knowledge on the outbreak, successful preventive strategies and how the organization aims to operate in periods of uncertainty. This way its helping people understand that they do have control over their response to COVID-19 and that they can protect their health, and that’s the key to minimizing fear —ironically, a highly contagious emotion —and maintaining emotional equilibrium. This is true for the businesses, too: Forming a plan, then taking steps to ensure continued operations and gather intel about how employees and customers respond to new workflows, provide positive focal points for business continuity. Hence, moving to mandatory work from home globally + supporting our employees,Our top priority always remains the health and safety of our employees and hence to continue the push, we are moving now to our guidance of “strongly encouraging work from home” provided since March 2nd week.

We understand this is an unprecedented step, but these are unprecedented times. And we will continue to do all that we can to uphold our Corporate social responsibility as a firm for our society–

  • Working from Home Best Practices: We have shared the factors to consider to make sure our employees are ready to be productive and healthy. Some factors include workspace, communication, self-care, and logging hours. Overall, working from home doesn’t change your day-to-day work, it just means you’ll be doing it from a different environment.
  • Managing a Distributed Team: Being a People manager means providing a consistent and positive employee experience for everyone on your team, regardless of location.
  • Virtual Interview Guide: All interviews at Teqfocus will be done via video conferencing. A completely virtual interview has its benefits. It is ideal for introducing candidates to remote work cultures, and it is a great opportunity for candidates who will work remotely to get a sense for the experience of interacting with other team members remotely.
  • We have also shared guides for working across time zones, utilizing collaboration tools to stay connected, and ergonomic tips for working from home and on-the-go.
  • Suspending non-critical business travel and events

While all these are a big change for us, we have already been moving towards a more distributed workforce that’s increasingly remote. We’re a global service and we’re committed to enabling anyone, anywhere to work at Teqfocus.
The aforementioned measures may calm and empower employees by providing an important feeling of control —we are not powerless against the virus. This is especially critical for companies with “service supply chains” heavily dependent on their employees’ emotional health and behavior. So, while the COVID-19 endgame is not clear, giving people the tools to effectively manage its potential impact on their personal and professional lives will aid individual and organizational well-being. Through frequent and transparent communication and proactive strategies for managing employee, customer and partner well-being,we can manage through the crisis and emerge prepared for whatever may come next.
And lastly, we would like to thank our people, partners and customers for their patience and understanding.


An entrepreneur by nature, Andy has been responsible for creating, communicating, and implementing the vision, mission, and overall growth of Teqfocus. In his corporate experience, he has led several cross- country teams on senior operational roles in both enterprise and mid-stage companies and has widespread experience in digitalizing the customer experience with technologies like Salesforce, AWS, Microsoft and Adobe.
Today, Teqfocus is a leading technology consultancy with offices in India U.S. UK & Canada, with more than 120 team members, creating next-generation technologies that deliver measurable business success across the globe. Outside of work, Andy puts his family first and loves to spend quality time with them.

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