
The Future of Health-Tech on Cloud – Teqfocus

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The healthcare ecosystem is gearing up for an exponential transformation. Previously, a one-size-fits-all treatment was a high-cost approach to healthcare, whereas now there is an increasing need to personalize the treatment for each patient and develop a complete Patient-360 view.

Health Cloud integrates a patient’s medical information from multiple sources into a single dashboard: Updating patient details and modifying treatment outcomes can be seamlessly done and accessed by various parties involved; what’s more, home and self-care plans and flexible financing solutions can be viewed and managed by medical officers from just one CRM. Having all information in one place can help track and report patient information, prior and after the treatment journey more accurately, resulting in improved utilization of healthcare services. Healthcare providers can leverage quality information coming from several touchpoints with the patient and offer precision medicine for every individual. In this article, we look at several opportunities Salesforce offers healthcare ecosystems as they move into the future.

1. OmniStudio

There are existing technological solutions for several pain points in the healthcare ecosystem. We do not have to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Instead of discarding all the work done so far and rehauling the entire system, we can reuse existing solutions and design them on Salesforce OmniStudio. A platform development tool, OmniStudio is made of several building blocks which can be dragged and arranged to build high-end applications. A complex process can be configured into a quick prototype in little time with few clicks and low coding efforts.
OmniStudio allows interaction with other apps to draw in additional data making the flow of information more efficient. Hence it is a low-cost, time-saving shortcut to building infrastructure from where data can be retrieved, edited, and updated. It can save a lot of paperwork and delay and furnish results quickly.

2. Care Program

The Care program on Health Cloud is a management and enrollment tool that covers services such as patient outreach, remote monitoring, financing, access to medications, and support for patients on their journey to good health. The Care Program data model captures activities that affect health outcomes so you can plan, define, track, and improve the treatment when needed.
The health outcome of medical treatments can be maximized by having access to a patient’s medical history and connecting it with their present ailment. With Health Cloud, medical staff can easily manage the professionals associated with a patient’s treatment care plan using individual patient consoles. The idea is to encourage patient wellness using a comprehensive tracking system and personalized care plans.

3. Care Management

With the right technology, healthcare professionals can refine existing care management strategies. Healthcare outcomes depend on social determinants such as place of origin, housing, education, physical environment, and employment. This data is usually stored and retrieved from several databases. With the help of Health Cloud technology, care managers can view critical information about a patient’s history secured from multiple channels into one dashboard. Health Cloud offers seamless record keeping for care managers and reporting options for members such as nurses, specialists, and pharmacists.
Care managers benefit from having a comprehensive picture of these metrics so they can make decisions to suit the patient’s care needs. Along with the patient, the entire team is integrated with Health Cloud, creating personalized care plans, and collectively tracking them to achieve the patient’s health goals.

4. Commercial Process for MedTech

The Salesforce CRM can be connected with other data sources to provide insights into how many procedures are handled per physician, competitors, employee retention, affiliations, etc. The sales team can access historical data when making purchases and accurately read existing inventory stock. Additionally, it allows sellers to make a quote, giving the sales team a better idea of prices before buying.
Salesforce CRM can be a crucial tool for MedTech sales. It provides insights about patients, which can be analyzed by the marketing and commercial teams, helping them make more effective prospects moving ahead. Many data entry jobs that sales representatives are currently doing can be automated.

5. Amazon Textract – OCR

Healthcare providers often require data from medical records and forms that have been manually created. This is often a time-consuming process. Amazon Textract, a machine learning service provided by AWS, can extract text from paper documents. With a Health Cloud license, this intelligent form reader can save time while also allowing you to manage all patient documentation from various sources on one platform.

6. Patient Enrollment & Onboarding

Health Cloud makes it easy to enroll new patients into a program, from physician referrals to patients who find you online. A care team is immediately assigned to the patient for quick onboarding: from insurance checks to contact information and previous records – all of which can seamlessly be streamlined on the Salesforce Health Cloud platform. Patients can also view the entire care team members on the dashboard and collaborate to take care of several tasks, including financing. The platform allows users to capture electronic signatures required for compliance, and patients can also send in their consent using tablets or phones.
Health Cloud can help assign patients to a care team as quickly as possible, removing the lengthy registration process after entering the medical premises. Based on their medical emergency, the right professional can be assigned to them. The platform can help avoid many errors related to misidentification, medication errors, diagnosis, and transfusion errors.

7. Insurance Clearance

Insurance companies that utilize the Health Cloud system consistently can make the right sales to the right customer. Insurance experts can get to know their customers deeply by accessing claims and policies on one dashboard. With real-time data and track claims, client portfolios, and policy types of the organization, Health Cloud eliminates manual documentation and reduces human errors in the process. Insurance experts can also get automated quotes for multiple claims and approve them using flows.
With the Health Cloud technology, the organizational workflow can be better managed when there is seamless access to patient employment details, insurance data, coverage, and dependents.

What Does This Mean for Industries?

Healthcare workers are effective when they have a 360-degree view of their patients and can provide personalized treatments. When systems are connected, allowing information to flow through the organizational infrastructure, patients’ medical conditions, insurance, history, and surroundings can become meaningful in their treatment plans. Health Cloud is a data model that addresses the historical record management in healthcare hallways. Health Cloud allows the integration of existing apps and electronic records in a flexible, compatible manner and all in one patient-centered platform. Health Cloud also supports active doctor-patient engagement, allowing patients to be equal participants in their healthcare journey. The platform offers several options for healthcare commerce and marketing analytics too. With the versatile solutions for the several problems that have troubled the system, technological disruption in healthcare is making way for the future on the cloud.